Compartimos con nuestra comunidad de Gestión PUCP la grata noticia de nuestro colega del Departamento, el profesor Dr. Mohamed Mousa, cuyo artículo con afiliación PUCP fue recientemente aceptado por el International Journal of Educational Management y publicado el 20 de setiembre por Emerald Publishing, renombrada editorial inglesa especializada en revistas y libros académicos en los campos de administración, negocios, educación, entre otras áreas afines. El profesor Mousa, es profesor a tiempo completo en la modalidad Tenure Track desde este semestre 2021-2, y su área de especialización es la Gestión de Personas.
El artículo se titula «It is not a man’s world: perceptions by male faculty of the status and representation of their female colleagues». Para conocer más detalles sobre el mismo, los invitamos a ingresar al siguiente enlace: aquí
[ENG] We share with our PUCP Management community the pleasant news of our colleague from the Department, Professor Dr. Mohamed Mousa, whose article with PUCP affiliation was recently accepted by the International Journal of Educational Management and published on September 20 by Emerald Publishing, a renowned publisher. English specialized in magazines and academic books in the fields of administration, business, education, among other related areas. Professor Mousa is a full-time professor in the Tenure Track modality since this semester 2021-2, and his area of specialization is People Management.
The article is titled «It is not a man’s world: perceptions by male faculty of the status and representation of their female colleagues». To know more details about it, we invite you to enter the following link: click
Mohamed Mousa – Short bio
Professor of Human Resources Management at the Department of Management Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, an Associate Professor of Human Resources Management at WSB University (Poland), an Associate Editor in the Journal of Management Development, an Associate Editor in Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, an Editorial Board Member in the European Journal of International Management, a former Assistant Professor of HRM at Rabat Business School (Morocco), a former Post Doctorate researcher at Oulu Business School (Finland), a former Post Doctorate Research Fellow at Cardiff Metropolitan university (UK) and a former Senior Research Associate at the Estonian Business School (Estonia). Mohamed Mousa worked previously as a full-time teaching assistant at Minufiya University (Egypt). Professor Mousa does research in Human Resources Management and Organizational Studies.